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Katalog Gadżetów Reklamowych

2000 mAh PB/3-in-1 cable-BK

Indeks: PFC-12373300
Producent: PFC

The 2000 mAh Grade A Lithium ion power bank integrates with 3-in-1 charging cable that is compatible with most smartphones. Pointing the 2-in-1 adapter up with the side of no pin on it to charge Apple devices, and the other side of pins on it to charge Android devices. It also can be charged by the integrated USB output cable itself so that no more cable required anymore. Input: 5V/1000 mA; Output: 5V/1000 mA. Supplied in a white Avenue gift box.

24 h: Kontakt telefoniczny
3-7 dni: Kontakt telefoniczny
Waga:7 kg
Wymiar:dł. 12,5 cm
Wielkość nadruku:70 x 10 mm
Cena netto:
(VAT 23%)
produkt archiwalny
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